Rocky Shore
Explore the rocky shore — where barnacles wave their feathery legs in the currents and brilliant ochre stars cling to rocks amid crashing waves.
Watch our long-legged birds ply the sands as they forage for insects, just as they would in the wild. Then look as flounders lie flat and bat rays skim gracefully along the sandy floor.
Feel the ocean breeze and hear crashing waves in our Aviary.
Two black-necked stilts in our Aviary.
You can tell this shorebird by its plump body, black bib, wedged-shaped bill and short orange-red legs.
A bat ray flaps its batlike wings (pectoral fins) to swim gracefully through the water — and help it uncover prey hiding in the sand.
Despite its name, this brownish-black bird with large feet seldom eats oysters.
The snowy plover nests in shallow nooks in the sand — sometimes even using human footprints to keep its eggs.
Mud is the ghost shrimp's favorite meal. It eats a bucketful of earth every few weeks, and you can see them in action in our exhibit.
A squishy sea hare can reach 10 pounds. They're named "hares" for their earlike appendages.
Our living exhibits offer you a window into the world beneath the waves.